When you see the digits 294, what comes to your mind first? Is it a bus number, a ‘date’ to remember or crunchy notes and clinking coins?
This 29/4 we celebrate Ola Autos. Hail an Ola Auto ride at just Rs.29 for 4kms. Moreover, if you have not traveled in an Ola auto in the last 6 months and plan to take your ride after seeing this breathtaking deal, we have something better coming your way. On 29/4 and 30/4 ride free* in an Ola Auto up to Rs.50!
Use code ‘X’, hop into an Ola Auto and ride away at an easy price! Ola Auto makes you pay from your pocket, not through your nose.
* Offer is not valid for customers who have taken an Auto ride in the last 6 months
Terms and conditions
- Offer valid only on 29th April
- Offer Valid in Select cities only
- Offer is valid only for customers who have never taken an Ola Auto ride in their lifetime
- Ola reserves the right to modify/withdraw the offer as per its discretion